30 Days of Gratitude

Gratitude is the feeling of appreciation or thankfulness for all the positive thing sin your lives and also the learning from not so bad experiences, which has molded you to face life’s challenges.

Journaling your gratitude, will change your life forever for your greatest good.

Below is a template for a 30 days of Gratitude, which you may find useful on how to think and what things to think about, when you start journaling.

Day 1 What Are You Most Grateful For Today?

Day 2 What Technology Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 3 What Food Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 4 What Memory in Life Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 5 What Item in You Home Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 6 What In Nature Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 7 What Book Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 8 What Lesson in Life Are you most Grateful For Experiencing?

Day 9 What Place have You Traveled That You Are Most Grateful For?

Day 10 What Are You Most Grateful For In Your Childhood?

Day 11 What Movie Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 12 What 3 People in Life Are You Grateful For?

Day 13 What Season of the Year Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 14 What Rejection In Life Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 15 What About Your Body Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 16 What Bond Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 17 What About Your Job Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 18 What Trait Do You Have That Are You Most Grateful?

Day 19 What Splurge Item Do You Own That You Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 20 What Are You Most Grateful For In Your Daily Life?

Day 21 What Small Item That You Use Daily Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 22 What Thanksgiving Memory Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 23 What Use Of Your Phone Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 24 What About Social Media Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 25 What Are You Most Grateful For In Your City?

Day 26 What Meal Did You Have Today That You Are Most Thankful For?

Day 27 What Are You Most Grateful For In Your Country?

Day 28 What In Your Home Are You Most Grateful For?

Day 29 What Bill Are You Most Grateful To Be Able To Pay?

Day 30 What Experience This Month Are You Most Grateful For?